TRUST LANDSSCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCILS - TRUST FUND DISBURSEMENTEach K-12 school has a School Community Council, and every charter school has a Trust Land Council. The principal, teachers, and parents comprise each Council, which determines the greatest education needs at its particular school. Following discussion and voting, each Council allocates their School LAND Trust Funds accordingly. Many schools opt to purchase technology to improve computer labs, while others use School LAND Trust Funds to pay teacher and aide salaries to reduce class sizes. Trust Funds also support language, arts, college preparatory, and other specialized courses. To see how scholar is using trust land funds click here:
2024-25 Trustland Plan Trustland Council Rules of Order Trustland Council Election Procedures
Trustland Committee Members Jeff Hall - Traelle Gailey - Ashley Tignor - Karen Morgan - Shelley Wasson - Bryson Young - Mishala Pilling - If you are interested in joining the Trust lands Committee please contact Jeff Hall @
Upcoming Meetings/ Important dates: April 1st - Trustlands due for 2023-24 proposal (DONE/APPROVED) September 14th (6:00 pm), 2023 - Review the current plan adopt yearly procedures, and Committee changes if needed. January 16th (6:00 pm) 2024 - Look at the current plan and address goals, and look at funding for the next year. April 16th (6:00 pm) 2024 - Propose and vote on the plan for the following year.
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